Friday, May 16, 2008

Taiwanese want GPS as #1 feature in phones

A survey by Canalsys has found very high awareness of satellite navigation ("Sat Nav") amongst consumers, with more than 80% being aware of what it does. 60% of those surveyed said they used the web to search for directions and then print them.

So when asked which services they were interested in having on a mobile device, maps and navigation, unsurprisingly perhaps, came out top. This was apparently much more popular than either TV or music on a mobile. Canalsys say this reflects a common trend in results from other countries where GPS/Sat Nav always scores highly.

As a utility service, I think GPS/Sat Nav is great - however, I believe, as do many others in the industy, that the real power of it is harnessed when it is twinned with other mobile-unique services to create service-mashups such as geotagging photos (and other media).


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